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Full text of "BSTJ 52: 6. July-August 1973: Switching Networks of Planar Shifting Arrays. (Krupp, R.S.; Tomko, L.A.)"

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Copyright © 1973 American Telephone and Telegraph Company 

The Bell System Technical Journal 

Vol. 52, No. 6, July-August, 1973 

Printed in U.S.A. 

Switching Networks of 
Planar Shifting Arrays 

By R. S. KRUPP and L. A. TOMKO 

(Manuscript received June 2, 1972) 

An array of shift registers that may operate in two orthogonal directions 
can be called a planar shifting array. This article shows how two basic 
building blocks, fashioned from planar shifting arrays, may be inter- 
connected to form a time-division switching network of arbitrary size. The 
characteristics of magnetic bubble and charge-coupled devices are com- 
patible with the concept of planar arrays, and it is in these emerging 
technologies that switching networks of planar shifting arrays may become 


Switching machines in the Bell System have grown in both number 
and capacity to meet the growing traffic demand. Early machines con- 
sisted of a small amount of distributed logic embodied in electrome- 
chanical devices but, as technology has permitted, the machines have 
evolved into largely solid state systems with central processor control. 
The environment in which switching machines must operate has also 
changed from a relatively small collection of analog voice grade circuits 
to an overwhelming number of circuits of various bandwidths with an 
increasing proportion of digital facilities. It is the purpose of this paper 
to look at a possible future realization of one portion of a switching 
machine that might have advantages in meeting future requirements 
in a largely digital environment. 

We may consider that a switching machine consists of three major 
subdivisions. One is a switching network, which makes cross connec- 
tions for each call. A controller, used to direct the operation of the 
network, is another. Finally, some interface is needed between the 
network, the controller, and external circuits. The subject of this paper 
is a switching network, one that may reduce the complexity of the tasks 
of the other two subdivisions of a switching machine as well as have 
advantages of its own in conjunction with some emerging technologies. 



Most switching networks in the past have been "space-division" net- 
works; that is, a spatially distinct path is assigned to each of the many 
simultaneous calls that might pass through the network. The present 
paper, however, refers to a "time-division" network, in which inter- 
leaved samples of several simultaneous calls may share parts of the 
same spatial path. A potential savings of equipment is implied by this 
time-sharing process, and its merits have already resulted in plans for 
a large-scale digital electronic switching machine with some time shar- 
ing in the switching network (the No. 4 ESS, now under development 
in Bell Laboratories). 1 

The possibility of constructing a somewhat different time-division 
digital switching network from two basic building blocks is explored in 
this paper. The two blocks, or subsystems, may be realized in the form 
of planar shifting arrays which are basically shift registers that can 
perform shifting operations in two orthogonal directions. These capa- 
bilities seem to be consistent with those of the emerging technologies 
of magnetic bubble and charge-coupled devices, 2 - 3 which do shift data 
on a plane. Although these types of devices may be particularly well 
suited for use as planar shifting arrays, the concepts presented below 
are not restricted to implementation by any particular type of device. 

The first building block, a time-slot interchanger, is the only actual 
switching element in the system. The other type of block, a mass 
serial-to-parallel converter, performs a time-space mapping and thereby 
acts as the interconnection links between successive stages of time-slot 
interchangers. Networks of arbitrary size and blocking probability can 
be fashioned from these two building blocks. 

In the sections that follow, the basic interconnections of time-slot 
interchangers and mass serial-to-parallel converters necessary to per- 
form multistage switching functions are explained, and some logical 
details of the two building blocks are presented. Although the network 
is only a part of a total switching machine, the concepts presented here 
may simplify the interface with digital external circuits and may help 
reduce the burden on the central control processor. 


In this section, multistage switching network structures are described 
that use pure time-division techniques only. Such a network may be 
diagrammed using two types of functional blocks, as in Figure 1. 

Each block labelled TSI denotes one time-slot interchanger — a 
familiar subsystem in the time-division switching art. The attached 
notation N X M indicates that the TSI rearranges words from an 



r - 




















NxM LxL MxN 

Fig. 1 — Three-stage switching network. 

N-slot input frame into an Af-slot output frame. The TSI is the only 
actual switching element in the network. It corresponds to an N X M 
array of crosspoints in an analogous space-division network. 

Each block labelled S-P denotes a mass serial-to-parallel converter. 
The S-P does not perform switching functions, but corresponds to the 
links between crosspoint stages in a multistage space-division network. 
Its basic function is that of interchanging the space and time co- 
ordinates of each word it handles. As inputs to one S-P, the figure 
shows L time-division multiplexed lines, each carrying M time slots 
per frame. The output is M lines with L slots per frame. An input word 
in slot ra of line I will always be routed by the S-P to slot I of output 
line ra, where 1 ^ w ^ M and 1 ^ I ^ L. Thus, the rath words of all 
L input frames are combined to form a single output frame on line ra, 
and conversely the input frame on line t gets distributed into the l\h 
slots of all the M output frames. 

A three-stage switching network is diagrammed in Figure 1 using the 
two functional blocks. To illustrate its operation, suppose that a word 
in slot n of input line I must be sent to time slot v on output line X, 
where 1 ^ n,v ^ N and 1 ^ l,\ ^ L. First an intermediate time slot 
m is assigned for some 1 ^ ra ^ M, which permits the middle stage to 
complete a connection. Thereafter: 

(*) The £th input TSI switches word n to slot ra. 
(it) The first S-P places this word in slot ( on line ra. 
(in) The rath intermediate TSI switches word I to slot X. 
(iv) The second S-P places the word in slot ra on line X. 
(v) The Xth output TSI switches word m to slot v, and the task is 

The portion of the figure surrounded by a dashed line performs the 
same function as the time-shared space-division switch (TSSDS) stages 
of the No. 4 ESS. 1 That is, all words that enter the first S-P in time 
slot ra will exit the second S-P in the same slot. In their passage through 



Fig. 2— Spiderweb graph for Figure 1. 

the S-P's and the rath intermediate TSI, however, these words may be 
spatially rearranged to different output lines. A direct realization of the 
same TSSDS function using magnetic bubbles has been suggested by 
P. I. Bonyhard. 4 

Figure 2 is the probability linear graph 6 (also called spiderweb or 
Lee graph) of all paths for one call in Figure 1. It is the standard Lee 
graph for a three-stage network and yields the usual blocking formulas. 
In particular, if M ^ N — 1 and we assume independent occupancy p 
of all input and output time slots, then a modification of C. Y. Lee's 
argument 6 yields the mismatch blocking probability first given by M. 
Karnaugh 6 in 1954: 

Pb = (p 2 ) M ~ N+1 ll - (1 - p) 2 ] 2 "-"- 2 ^ - 1) ! 2 / 

M ! (2N - M - 2) ! . (1) 

On the other hand, if M ^ N — 1 and we assume all intermediate 
time slots ra have independent occupancy p, a more appropriate esti- 
mate is: 

P B = [i - (l - p )2]". (2) 

When M ^ 2N — 1 in Figure 1, P B vanishes and the network is non- 
blocking. 7 Figure 3 illustrates such a case for M = 2N. A part of the 
time-space interchange is accomplished, not by the S-P, but by split- 
ting each input and output TSI into two separate TSI's. Now each 
TSI in the network handles input and output frames of equal size. This 
might prove convenient for certain applications or implementations. 
Note that Figure 3 may also be interpreted as a pair of three-stage net- 
works whose inputs and outputs are tied in parallel. A third, inactive, 
network could be placed in parallel as well, and held in reserve against 
failure of one of the first two. 

There is an unavoidable signal delay of at least one frame for each 
stage of the TSI's. This could contribute to the cost of echo suppression 
on long toll circuits; however, the duration of the frame itself may be 
shortened within the switch to mitigate this effect. 

The three-stage network of Figure 1 has a capacity of C = LN 
terminations. Such networks may be nested to achieve a higher switch- 
ing capacity. A five-stage example having capacity C = JLN is dia- 





N xN 

Fig. 3 — Nonblocking three-stage network. 

grammed in Figure 4. Shown are M three-stage TSSDS sections 
within dashed lines, as well as one large overall TSSDS which re- 
arranges JL words spatially in each of M time slots. Blocking probabili- 
ties for the five-stage nested network are obtained by arguments simi- 
lar to those for eqs. (1) and (2), using the spiderweb graph in Figure 4. 

A different kind of five-stage network organization is shown in Figure 
5. No section of this network performs the TSSDS function. In fact, 
a word entering its first S-P in time slot m may exit its last S-P in any 
time slot y. for 1 ^ m,n S M, depending upon the path it follows 
through the network. The number M 2 of possible pairs (m, n) yields 
the same number of possible paths for routing a message, as the spider- 
web graph in Figure 5 shows. At full occupancy, this graph reduces to 

Fig. 4 — Nested five-stage network. 





Fig. 5 — Cross-connected five-stage network. 

Figure 2, but with M' = (M — N 4- l) 2 center-stage switches, so that 
(2) applies with link occupancies p - N(L - 1)/M 2 to yield the fol- 
lowing blocking probability expression : 

Pb = [1 - (1 - P) 2 ] 



Thus, parameters L = N = 48 and M = 60 yield P B < 10" 10 at any 
occupancy level; essentially, this is a nonblocking network. The same 
parameters in a nested arrangement produce a much higher degree of 
blocking, P B > 0.027 at full occupancy, based on (1) for the case p - 1. 
To illustrate operation of the network in Figure 5, suppose that a 
word in time slot n on line I of input block j must be transmitted to slot 
v on line X of output block r for 1 % n,v ^ N and 1 <, l,\ ^ L with 
1 ig j f ^ J. First, intermediate time slots m and y. must be chosen 
for some 1 ^ m„u ^ -M" which permits completion of the connection. 
Then TSI's in the five stages perform the following switching opera- 
tions consecutively to complete the task, as indicated on Figure 5 : 

(i) Switch word n into slot m (Stage 1). 

(ii) Switch word I into slot p (Stage 2). 

(Hi) Switch word j into slot T (Stage 3). 

(iv) Switch word m into slot X (Stage 4). 

(v) Switch word m into slot v (Stage 5). 

The networks of Figures 4 and 5 each have a center section consisting 
of the third-stage TSI's and the two rows of S-P's to which they 


attach. A total of J independent input and output blocks of LN termi- 
nations each connect to the center. Each pair of blocks consists of an 
input S-P, an output S-P, and their attached TSI's in the first, second, 
fourth, and fifth stages. This structure immediately suggests an ap- 
propriate strategy for growing the network capacity in modules of LN 


Section II mentioned the need to choose one or two intermediate 
time slots m before setting up a message path through the network. This 
amounts to specifying which of the many possible paths in the spider- 
web graph is currently free and will be used. The decision might be 
made by a central control processor after consulting its memory records 
of the current status of the network. In this section, an alternate pro- 
cedure is described by which some simple operations within the network 
itself can identify suitable paths for routing a new call. A possible ad- 
vantage is reduced demands upon processor time and memory for call 

To provide necessary information about network status, a "busy- 
bit" is used. This is a bit in each word which travels through the net- 
work with that word and serves to indicate whether or not the word is 
part of a call currently in progress. The busy-bit may occur in every 
word of a message or less frequently, perhaps every tenth or hundredth 
frame. For concreteness, assume the busy-bit is "one" for a call in 
progress and "zero" otherwise. 

To determine occupancy of a time slot on some line in the network, 
we merely consult the busy-bit in that slot. For example, in routing a 
word from input line I of Figure 1 to output line X, an intermediate time 
slot m was chosen that was vacant both at the output of the £th first- 
stage TSI and at the input of the Xth third-stage TSI. Such m may be 
found by comparing the two corresponding streams of busy-bits. This 
is illustrated by Figure 6a for the case I = X = 1. Output from the first 
input TSI and input to the first output TSI are sent to a NOR gate. 
When simultaneous zeroes are found in the busy-bit positions of words 
m, an output pulse is produced by the gate identifying an available 
path through the network by its timing. 

Other means of sampling and matching busy-bits are possible. For 
instance, the stream of busy-bits from the /th input TSI will exit the 
first S-P simultaneously in word time I, while the busy-bits entering 
the second S-P at word time X are those for the Xth output TSI. 
Hence, timed sampling pulses to the two S-P's can select the two de- 























• OUT, 


NxM LxL MxN 

Fig. 6a — Path search in three-stage network. 

sired strings of busy-bits rather than use spatial selection of an input 
and output TSI. Such an option might serve to reduce the amount of 
control and signal wiring associated with the network. 

Once an intermediate time slot m is chosen, a central processor could 
issue the necessary orders to the first-, second-, and third-stage TSI's 
to establish the path. But again some additional logical apparatus in 
the network could perform the same task. The significance of this ob- 
servation is that the dependence of the network upon external inter- 
vention may be reduced. Indeed, for each new message, the principal 
external control required would be a specification of which input and 
output terminations must be connected. Such a structure might lend 
itself, for example, to applications in which all processor functions are 
performed by a remote computer that sends its instructions to the net- 
work over a data link. 

The path search procedure in the nested five-stage network of Figure 
4 would consist of two nested three-stage path searches. That is, the 
busy-bit streams of the input and output TSI's are compared, as above, 
to determine which one m of the M intermediate three-stage networks 
will carry the message. Then the rath three-stage network is searched 
for some intermediate time slot 1 ^ k ^ K which will complete the 

A different search procedure is required for the cross-connected net- 
work of Figure 5, since all M 2 paths in the spiderweb graph must be 
tested. This involves sorting the M busy-bit streams leaving the second- 
stage TSI's of the input block j by using them as inputs to an S-P with 
M output lines. The S-P outputs are then compared by a set of OR 
gates to the M busy-bit streams entering the fourth-stage TSI's of the 
output block T. A "zero" at word time ra from gate n identifies a pos- 
sible path in Figure 6b. Note that, if time slot m from the first-stage 



Fig. 6b — Path search in five-stage network. 

TSI or time slot n into the fifth-stage TSI is busy, then path (w, n) 
cannot be used. To eliminate such possibilities, all the OR gates should 
be pulsed during each busy first-stage slot m, and all gates y. correspond- 
ing to busy fifth-stage slots should be pulsed for the entire frame, as 
is accomplished in Figure 6b by feeding parallel "ones" to the S-P. 
This last path search requires only one pass instead of two nested steps. 


To understand the role of planar array devices in the realization of 
the functions described above, it is helpful to study the building blocks 
at the logical level, with a notation suggestive of the two-dimensional 
nature of the devices. The device technologies mentioned in Section I 
differ considerably in their physical principles. Nevertheless, certain 
common features of their operation may be abstracted to aid in discus- 
sing their use for switching applications. To this end, a "planar shifting 
array" (PSA) notation will be introduced, exemplified by Figure 7. 
Circles O represent fixed word-storage locations in one-dimensional or 
two-dimensional shift registers. Diamonds O stand for shifting ap- 
paratus, which can move the contents of each circle to the next in line, 
under control of clock pulses A and B. Gates []p allow transfer of 
individual words between the adjacent circles under control of switch- 


— 0^0^>0<i>0^0^>0 

Fig. 7 — Switch elements for time-slot interchange!-. 

ing signals n. The distinction between O and ^J is one of function 
rather than physical structure. In this section, a word, rather than a bit, 
is the basic quantum of information. It is not necessary to specify 
whether this word is in a serial or parallel digital representation or some 
other form. 

A basic scheme for performing switching functions in a time-slot 
interchanger appears in Figure 7. Gates 1 to 6 allow transfer of input 
words from a frame stored in the upper shift register into output slots 
in a frame stored in the lower shift register. The input and output 
frames move, relative to one another, in the two adjacent shift registers, 
and the switching strategy is : For each input word a, wait until its des- 
tined output slot /3 lies directly underneath and then transfer through 
the appropriate gate. 

It is important to note a particular difficulty. If both the input and 
output frames are shifted simultaneously, then word a in the diagram 
will pass slot /3 halfway between gates 3 and 4, so that it is not possible 
to transfer. This we will call the "half-word" problem. At least three 
kinds of solution can be suggested : 

(i) Alternate clock pulses A and B, so that only one frame shifts at 
a time. 

O ^> O <S> O <£> O <S> O <2> O— 


CD 3J © 


Fig. 8 — Switch elements for time-slot interchanger with buffer. 


(it) Omit one set of clock pulses, say A , so that one frame is held in 

stationary buffers. 
(Hi) Let each circle contain only a half-word, so that two consecutive 
locations hold an entire word. Then it is never necessary to 
transfer between first and second half-word locations. 

A fourth solution, based on the technique of bubble expansion, has been 
found by P. I. Bonyhard. 4 

The first solution above may be illustrated by Figure 7. The basic 
switching cycle would consist of the following four steps: 

(i) Diamonds <C£> move the input words right one slot. 

(it) Gates {^J may transfer input words to output slots. 

(Hi) Diamonds <^> move the output words left one slot. 

(iv) Gates [j[) may transfer input words to output slots. 

For an ilf-word frame, switching is completed in M cycles. Each shift 
register operates M times, and the M gates each have as many as 2M 
chances to operate in every frame. 

The second solution to the half-word problem is illustrated by Figure 
8. The diamonds <<£> read in an entire input frame, which is stored in 
buffers Q by simultaneous operation of all gates [T) at the end of the 
input frame. Then the following two-step switching cycle: 

(i) diamonds <£> move the output words left one slot, 
(u) gates {£) may transfer words from buffers to output, 

is repeated 2M times, and the M gates each have M chances to operate 
in an Af-word frame. This scheme has the additional advantage that 
the input and output clocks need not be synchronous. Each solution to 
the half-word problem has advantages with respect to particular 

Figure 9 uses the PSA notation to illustrate a simple scheme for 
implementing the S-P function. The S-P shown has L = 4 input lines, 
each carrying six-word frames, and M = 6 output lines, each with 
four time slots per frame. The diamonds <J> operate to load an entire 
frame into the S-P from each input line. Then the diamonds <£> oper- 
ate to unload an entire frame from the S-P onto each output line. 
Loading and unloading may proceed at twice the external basic word 
rate so that the S-P empties in time to receive the next frame, or else 
an alternate S-P may handle the next frame while the first one is un- 
loading. Other schemes permit the S-P to load and unload simulta- 
neously. While the S-P is drawn as a distinct unit in preceding figures, 


O <3> O <S> O <£■ 0<S> O ^ O— « 

o ^> o <s> o <^ o <$> o ^> o~- ■» 


0<S>0^>0<3>0<2>0<$>0~- - 

1 1 I I 1 I 


Fig. 9 — Mass serial-to-parallel converter. 

only its function need be distinct. The S-P as a device may be broken 
up and its parts integrated onto the same chips as the various TSI's 
which it serves. Schemes to obviate the S-P completely using specific 
device properties have been proposed by W. F. Chow and P. I. 
Bonyhard. 4 


In the switching schemes described above, each gate [*J should 
operate at the same word times in each consecutive frame; it is natural 
to place it under the control of a recirculating local memory. This could 
consist of a shift register fabricated from the same materials as the 
switching elements and preferably integrated onto the same chips. 
Such an arrangement is diagrammed in Figure 10, using the PSA nota- 
tion. The switching elements appear at the right. The rest of the dia- 
gram is the local memory array to control these elements. Each shift 
register in the control memory moves its contents one word to the right 
under the action of clock pulse C whenever a pulse A or B occurs. A 
word in shift register n is read when it reaches the box QT] , which is 
considered to generate a pulse n that operates gates (71 . For example, 
the gating operations might be realized through repulsion between 
control bubbles and message bubbles. Gates Q at the left start new 
words down the shift registers to accomplish recirculation of the local 


The size of the local memory array depends on the number of words 
Q in each register and the number R of such registers, which is the same 
as the number of switching gates. Although the exact size depends on 
the particular solution chosen for the half-word problem presented 
above, we can conclude in each case that the local memory in a TSI 
grows quadratically in frame size (as QR), while the number of switch- 
ing elements grows only linearly (as R). For moderate-size frames (say, 
20 words or more), each TSI becomes a large recirculating memory 
plane with a small quantity of logic elements at the edges. A word in the 
control memory corresponds most closely to a crosspoint in a space- 
division switch, since the number of crosspoints also grows as the square 
of the number of circuits, and each crosspoint stores just one bit of 


The switching operations of a TSI are fixed from frame to frame on 
a short time scale (say, thousands of frames) ; thus, the contents of its 
local memory array are fixed. On some longer time scale, though, it is 
necessary to be able to change portions of local memory; for instance, 
in response to external signals emanating from a central control 

Specifically, one requires the capability to address single word posi- 
tions in the local memory in order to close or open a "crosspoint" by 
writing or erasing a bit. In the case of erasure, it would be sufficient to 
simultaneously erase all memory locations affecting a given input 
word, or alternatively a given output slot. This is due to the following 
two properties of the TSI : 

(A) Each input word is switched into one output slot at most. 

(B) Each output slot receives at most one input word. 

*■ Tout 

E> 0<£> 0<£> O ^> ■■•0<£>HI OQO 
E>0<£>0<§>0 <£>■•■ 0<S>H 0(30| iN 

OE>0<£>0<£>0<£>---0<©>[3 OQO 

Fig. 10 — Recirculating memory array for TSI gates. 


Hence, one can provide for erasure of a control word without knowing 
exactly where it is in the local memory by erasing a whole class of 

The fact that local memory recirculates will greatly simplify the 
problem of addressing specific locations, since this allows access to any 
location from the edge of the array. Indeed, one efficient and convenient 
scheme would be to build an analog of the switching elements and oper- 
ate it "backwards" to insert control bits into the local memory. Inser- 
tion could be directed by two external control pulses whose timing 
would specify an input word and the output slot for which it is in- 
tended. Such an approach is illustrated in Figure 11, in which switch- 
ing elements are deleted to concentrate attention on the memory plane. 
Control insertion elements appear at the right-hand side. A bit is in- 
serted in order to control gate n at word time m as follows: 

(i) At the start of a frame, ® gates a "one" into the vertical 

shift register, where it propagates downward. 
(it) After n of the A clock pulses, gates (7\ operate to place the 
"one" in buffer at tne right of the nth recirculating shift 
register in local memory. 
(Hi) In the next frame, gates (7] operate with the rath clock pulse 
C, to place the "one" in word m of memory line n. This is indi- 
cated formally by reading the "one" at [7] , but the actual 
details of bit injection will depend on the type of hardware. 

It is clear now that any word location in the local memory may be 
addressed employing a pair of time-coded pulses / and J. The scheme 
shown would be particularly appropriate to the case of buffered input, 
since n then becomes the number of the input word to be switched. 

- ® 




Fig. 11— Addressing and erasure schemes for the TSI local memory. 


Indeed, the nth shift register contains only those locations that can 
affect input word n. By property (A) above, at most one location on this 
memory line has nonzero contents. It is sufficient now to erase the en- 
tire shift register, by interrupting recirculation, for example, before 
a new control word is inserted. 

The left side of Figure 11 shows a simple scheme for erasure in 
the case of buffered input, which also guarantees that at most one 
nonzero word is resident in each memory line. Once each frame, 
the buffers a ^ the left are loaded with "ones." Gates £) then 
start these "ones" down the various shift registers at the appropriate 
times to accomplish recirculation. Clearly, at most one nonzero word 
can circulate. To erase memory line n, the "one" is simply deleted in 
its recirculation buffer for a single frame. 

A single time-coded pulse will suffice to specify erasure of any word 
in the local memory above, if the buffers are loaded serially. Just such 
an arrangement appears at the left side. Gate (jT) enters "ones" in 
the vertical shift register at each input word time, and these are loaded 
into the buffers by gates la) at the start of each frame. By deleting 
the B pulse at the nth word time, a "zero" is sent to the buffer for the 
nth memory line, erasing it and opening any "crosspoint" which might 
affect the nth input word. The deletion of pulse B could coincide with 
pulse /, which routes a new control word to memory line n. Then the 
pair of external signals / and J would accomplish erasure together with 
address insertion. Examples at device level of this procedure have been 
given by P. I. Bonyhard and W. F. Chow. 4 


The preceding section considered two schemes for erasure in the local 
memory : 

(i) A direct instruction from the central control processor. 
(it) Automatic erasure when a new control word is inserted. 

A third scheme is to provide for automatic erasure when the message 
that is being switched terminates. This might be accomplished through 
use of the busy-bits introduced previously. Recirculation of a word in 
local memory would be made contingent on the presence of a "one" in 
the busy-bit position of the particular input word which that control 
word switches. When the message terminates, the path along which it 
was routed through the switch is taken down simply by sending through 
one word with a "zero" busy-bit. This function is analogous to that of 


the sleeve-lead in electromechanical switches and might be considered 
an "electronic sleeve-lead" application of busy-bits. 

This strategy of making recirculation in the local memory contingent 
on busy-bits can be easily implemented in Figure 11. It is merely neces- 
sary to read the busy-bit stream for the input frame into the left-hand 
shift register and load it into the recirculation buffers once each frame. 
Now each busy-bit will prime the recirculation of the memory register 
associated with the word of that busy-bit. 


The possibility of constructing a time-division switching network 
using two building blocks of planar arrays was discussed in this paper. 
The compatibility of planar arrays with the emerging technologies of 
magnetic bubble, charge-coupled, and bucket-brigade devices 2 - 3 may 
lead to application of these concepts in the construction of relatively 
inexpensive large-capacity switching machines. 

The need for external connections to a network composed of these 
building blocks can be minimized by including path search and path 
maintenance functions with the blocks. As a result, a relatively small 
amount of information must be exchanged between the network and 
the supervisory processor, and some of the processing burden on the 
controller is shared by the network itself. 

Some examples of compatible network architecture have been given, 
although no specific design is proposed. The process of switching is ac- 
complished by time-slot interchangers within the network rather than 
a space-division crosspoint array, but the task performed by some of 
the described subnetworks, when viewed from their external ports, is 
the same as a time-shared space-division switch. 


We wish to thank the reviewers and referee for their comments and 
suggestions. We have received invaluable advice on the properties and 
capabilities of bucket-brigade and charge-coupled devices from W. F. 
Chow, C. H. Sequin, G. E. Smith, and M. F. Tompsett, and on mag- 
netic bubble devices from P. I. Bonyhard, who also suggested im- 
provements in the network design. 


1. Vaughan, H. E., "An Introduction to No. 4 ESS," paper presented at the Inter- 
national Switching Symposium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 
Cambridge, Mass., June 6, 1972. 


2. Bobeck, A. H., Fischer, R. F., Pemeski, A. J., Remeika, J. P., and Van Uitert, 

L. G., "Application of Orthoferrites to Domain Wall Devices," IEEE Trans. 
Magnetics, Mag-6, No. 3 (September 1969), pp. 544-553. 

3. Sangster, F. L. J., and Teer, K., "Bucket Brigade Electronics — New Possibilities 

for Delay, Time Axis Conversion and Scanning," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 
SC-4, No. 3 (June 1969). 

4. Chow, W. F., and Bonyhard, P. I., unpublished work (1971) and private 


5. Lee, C. Y., "Analysis of Switching Networks," B.S.T.J., 34, No. 6 (November 

1955), pp. 1287-1315. 

6. Karnaugh, M., unpublished work, August 1954. 

7. Clos, Charles, "A Study of Non-Blocking Switching Networks," B.S.T.J., 32, 

No. 2 (March 1953), pp. 406-424.